Our desire is to impart hope and help in times of distress so that dads, moms, husbands and wives can be returned to their families whole and healthy through the love and knowledge of Jesus Christ.
We provide an alternate option to men and women leaving prison or jail or are addicts seeking sobriety.
Steve Malek 1960-2024
Co Founder
Gateway To Glory Ministries
In Memory: Steven Preston Brown-Malek, 64, passed away on October 13, 2024 in Troy MI. Born on June 17, 1960, Steve was a devoted follower of Jesus Christ. His relationship with Christ profoundly influenced his love and dedication to his wife, children, grandchildren, church and community. If you knew Steve, you loved him.
Steve graduated from Cousino High School in 1978 and completed his trade school education becoming a Journeyman Carpenter. He worked as a Union Master Carpenter for many years. In 1999, he joined Bethesda Christian Church as their in-house carpenter and later founded Gateway To Glory Ministries with his wife. After serving at Bethesda, he was called to serve full-time in ministry and became Chaplain of the Macomb County Jail. As Chaplain, he found a plentiful mission field where he labored until the week prior to his death, adding many to the Kingdom of God. He was, indeed, “fruitful in the land of his affliction”. (Gen 41:52). Steve’s relationship with Jesus Christ was central to his life, and he dedicated his life to evangelizing and helping others strengthen their faith.
He was most joyful while spending time with his family. Evangelizing, cooking, hunting, skydiving, skiing (both on water and snow) and worshiping the Lord were some things he enjoyed doing most.
Steve is survived by his wife, Robin Malek; daughters, Brittanie Malek-Troy, Chelsea Bennett, and Jessica Wojt; sons-in-law, Nick Heinzelmann and Brandon Wojt; and grandchildren, Hailee, Hollie, Isaac and Ezekiel. He was preceded in death by his father, Edsel Brown; mother, Helen Malek; and adoptive father, Edward Malek.
You can watch the memorial for this wonderful man of God at this link:
Our Team
The Board of Directors governs the ministry in order to maintain the integrity and the direction of the mission.
Robin Malek
Co Founder
Tom Frazee
Joan Bedford
Steve Wanamaker
John Rutt
Sharron Rutt
Timothy Helland
You can make a difference.
Donate Financially
Your financial donations are very important to continue our mission of "Restoring Lives, Restoring Families". Tell your friends and family how you are impacting lives of those who are struggling, through your financial support.
Donate Your Time
There are many ways to invest your time in this ministry. Number one is to pray for the ministry. Volunteer opportunities include: Bible Study teachers, mentors, counselors, fundraisers, life skills teachers, and more. Please call the office for information. 586-307-9323 or 855-55GATEW (855-554-2839)
contact us
Macomb County Jail - jail ministry portion
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 480083, New haven, mi 48048-0083
855-55GATEW or 586-307-9323

Upcoming Events
EASTER BAG PACK!! We are already gearing up for the Easter Bag Pack, so add this date to your calendars. The bag pack date is Monday, April 14, 2025. We will be packing bags starting at 6pm in the Training Room at the West Entrance of the Macomb County Jail (43565 Elizabeth Road, Mt Clemens MI 48043). For those who have not participated in this event previously, several churches join together to pray and fill paper bags with Godly content and goodies. The bags are then distributed by the Chaplain’s office, to each inmate and staff working that day. The Body of Christ comes together to share the truth and joy of Easter to the inmates and staff. If you’d like to join us, please call 586-307-9323 for more info.